Are you ready to meet the Heavenly Father?

Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 30, 2010

Although I’m not working outside of my home this year, my alarm rings at 5:30 in the morning. I enjoy spending the first part of my day quietly, for that’s usually the only quiet part. After cooking breakfast, something that I never had time to do when I worked, and watching everyone leave for school, I get ready. Sometimes I have errands to run, friends to meet or appointments to keep. Other times, I get ready just so I’ll be prepared for the unexpected.

If my husband’s lunch meeting is canceled, I’m prepared to fill in.

If my mom wants to go shopping, I don’t have to keep her waiting.

If my dad is going to lunch with my brother and asks me to meet them in 10 minutes, I want

to be able to grab my car keys and go. That happened this week, and

I’m glad that I

was available. All I had to do was put away my broom and dust pan, and I was out of the door.

On my way to meet with them,

I thought about how I had instantly responded to my father’s phone

call. I wish I could say that I answer my Heavenly Father’s calls that quickly. When presented with a need, I don’t always pray immediately. When I feel impressed to call a friend or write an encouraging note, I sometimes get sidetracked. I’d like to say that I eventually get the job accomplished but not always.

Now my new goal is to always be spiritually read, and respond instantly when called to pray, to encourage and to give. In addition, the instructions in 1 Peter 3:15 tell me to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” I should always be prepared to share God’s word.

Finally, I must always be ready for the day when my Heavenly Father calls me home to the eternal life promised for all those who have believed in Jesus. (John 3:16) On my last day on earth, whenever that is, I must be ready to meet Him.

Are you?

Ronny may be reached at