
RRCC October 2022 Chairman’s Message

  How much has changed in a year! First, I am certain that I speak for everyone in ...


Jim Beam column: Is there no end to Trump?

By Jim Beam Former President Donald Trump has left this country with many legal  problems after refusing to accept the ...


If the FBI can attack our democracy with impunity to destroy a multi-billionaire U.S. President, no American is safe.

This past week Special Counsel John Durham went into federal court to begin the trial of Igor Danchenko ...


Political Commentator Steve Cortes says there are better days ahead for America

by John Grimaldi WASHINGTON, DC — Political commentator Steve Cortes served on former President Donald Trump’s Hispanic Advisory ...


History Matters

History Matters A biweekly feature courtesy of The Grateful American Book Prize Showing our children that their past ...


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Choosing between health & a paycheck

Recent headlines all highlight President Biden’s plans to ease federal penalties on possession of small amounts of marijuana ...


Brown: Living & dying in Louisiana

Eighteen years ago this week, Derrick Todd Lee received the death penalty in Louisiana. He was the state’s ...


Orr: Levees, Wetlands & Rules

The importance of wetlands is well understood today. Marshes and swamps give wildlife a place to live and ...


Ask Rusty – How do Social Security survivor benefits work?

Dear Rusty: Social Security is confusing in itself and gets even more confusing when you receive multiple answers to the ...


Jim Beam column: Pujo made history in Congress

By Jim Beam The Federal Reserve Board that has raised interest rates five times this year to try and ...

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