Letters to the Editor

Meals available in St. John Schools

Dear Parent or Guardian: We are pleased to inform you that St. John The Baptist Parish Public Schools ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Reader disagrees with same-sex marriage coverage

This lesbian couple is nothing to write about. Our government has taken on a moral and spiritual issue ...

Letters to the Editor

Reserve bauxite plant news comes with many community concerns

I don’t seem to have the enthusiasm expressed by Governor Bobby Jindal and others in announcing the Reserve ...

Letters to the Editor

Community members can help gives cats better life

Thank you for your article in the May 30 issue on National Adopt a Cat Month and for ...

Letters to the Editor

Chamber asks for teaching donations

It’s time for all of us to show the new teachers in St. Charles, St. John and St. ...

Letters to the Editor

Say ‘Yes’ to St. John millage renewal

Dear Editor, On Saturday, May 2, voters will decide whether or not to renew an existing millage that ...

Letters to the Editor

We all play role in keep community clean

Springtime in St. John the Baptist Parish means crawfish boils, softball games and the start of landscaping and ...

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