St. Charles Parish beginning repaving Ormond Boulevard

Published 12:01 am Saturday, April 2, 2016

DESTREHAN — St. Charles Parish officials announced the repaving of Ormond Boulevard begins April 12.

The contractor, Barriere Construction Company, will have 70 working days to complete the repaving. No road closures are intended for this project.

“While we may be inconvenienced during the repaving of Ormond Boulevard, this project is necessary and will benefit all that use it on a regular basis,” said District III Councilman Dick Gibbs.

“Thanks in advance to the residents for their cooperation and understanding.”


The contractor will begin work by removing the striping and symbols for the bike lane from River Road to Canadian National Railway. The bike lane will be removed for construction and unavailable to the public as to allow the contractor to divert traffic around affected areas and avoid a full closure of the road.

Additionally, the contractor will begin replacing several concrete panels in the area between River Road and the CN Railway. This work is expected to last until the end of May. Traffic will be diverted around the affected areas as needed.


In June, patching will begin along the remaining section of Ormond Boulevard from Canadian National Railway to Airline Highway.