School Board rebids football field turf projects
Published 12:10 am Wednesday, March 9, 2016
RESERVE — St. John the Baptist Parish School Board members are rebidding plans to install field turf at Rudolph G. Dinvaut Stadium and Joe Keller Memorial Field after voting last week to throw out bids previously received.
Those fields serve West St. John High and East St. John High, respectively.
School District Purchasing Agent Director Peter Montz told School Board members five companies submitted bids for the project, with Atlanta-based Sprinturf submitting the lowest bid.
Montz said Sprinturf’s bid included proposals for a base price and alternate No. 1. For alternate No. 2, Montz said Sprinturf did not register a price.
According to Montz, the other four companies provided bids for the base and two alternates.
“We took the bids under advisement and reviewed the submittals based on what the specifications called for and made the determination that Sprinturf was nonresponsive, because these specifications called for each alternative to be addressed and submitted,” Montz told School Board members Thursday.
“We informed Sprinturf of this issue, and, subsequently, they sent a letter to us saying they are protesting the results.”
Montz said Sprinturf officials pointed out the time between the School District adding alternate No. 2 and requiring the bids be received did not meet Louisiana guidelines.
“By state law, we should have a seven-day window period from the issuance of an addendum to the opening of the bid,” Montz said. “We only had six days. It’s a technicality that has teeth.”
An attorney representing Sprinturf asked School Board members last week to disregard alternate No. 2 and award Sprinturf the contract based on its low bids for the base and alternate No. 1 proposals.
“The reason we didn’t file any legal actions to this point is because we view you guys as a potential customer,” the attorney said. “We want to keep those lines open and friendly, especially considering as positive a community as you guys seem to have.”
After meeting behind closed doors in executive session — and with a rejection recommendation from Superintendent Kevin George — School Board members voted to reject all proposals and rebid the project.
Sprinturf officials did not offer any comment on the ruling at least week’s School Board meeting and did not return a call for comment this week.