McComack: Chamber does not take ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach
Published 9:47 am Wednesday, February 10, 2016
What does value mean to you?
As a business organization, this question pops up a lot. And as a local “Chamber of Commerce,” it means different things to different people.
In order for us to continue to serve our mission, we have to constantly evaluate the programs we provide to our members.
We do this by surveying the members on their needs to gauge their thoughts on programs and offerings to help improve their business success.
We realize there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” when it comes to providing “value-added” service. Small businesses want to grow their business.
They want opportunities to network and meet new people so they can build relationships that can hopefully lead to future business. Larger businesses want advocacy.
The Chamber of Commerce is sort of viewed as insurance. We are here when they need us, in the event of non-business friendly legislation for example.
Our Public Policy committee serves as the legislative watchdogs to keep abreast of anything from local, state to federal issues that may have an impact on the business climate in the River Parishes.
Needless to say, we need to be creative when planning the work for the year by making sure we are touching upon the different needs of the different markets of business.
At the January meeting, the Board finalized goals for 2016.
• Recruit 40 new members by 12/31/16
• Increase retention to 90 percent
• Increase member engagement
• Workforce development
None of the above will be able to be done without the work of committed volunteers. We are excited to have the following individuals serving as Committee Chairsmen for the following: Henry Friloux, Echo Ventures, Public Policy; Bill Simoni, Marathon Petroleum, Education; Michele Millet, Eagan Insurance Company, Ambassadors; Nicole Landreneau, Millermark Creations, Communications; and Aaron Canciennce, Postlethwaite and Netterville, Finance.
We are regrouping the Business Development committee and will be able to announce the Chair at a later date.
A kickoff meeting has been scheduled for Feb. 19 at 10 a.m. at the Chamber office. Our mission to “Grow, Strengthen and Unify businesses in St. James, St. John and St. Charles parishes” remains strong and steadfast in support of ensuring our region is at the forefront of opportunity.
Looking forward to sharing updates with you as we move forward into the new year.
Sincerest Thanks!
Chassity McComack is executive director of the River Region Chamber of Commerce. Email her at or log onto