McComack: Business connections occur on many levels

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Are you connected?

Do you even know what that means?

About a year after the Chamber’s inception, I asked the question to members, but technically speaking, one of our biggest tasks is to make sure we communicate to help Chamber members feel “connected.”

Shortly thereafter, the membership was surveyed to ask the question. It didn’t take long to realize that approximately 15 percent of businesses did not have email or a website, with 10 percent not even having a computer!

So, my next avenue was fax. Yet a mere percentage of those were not set up to receive a fax. For those of you that know me, of course I had to ask.

With high hopes of bringing them “to the next level,” those that did not have a computer, website or email were asked if they would like to learn how this could help them GROW their business.

Would you be surprised to know, they were not interested? I get it, technology is very scary and intimidating to those that never had to use it, but I couldn’t but help feel as though they were missing the boat.

I even have family members that owned businesses that still work out of file cabinets and notebooks (I won’t say names) and are totally OK keeping it that way.

So I ask you, with today’s automated environment, how “connected” do you think you are?

While I believe social media takes precedence over this connection, I still believe the best way to be connected is by personal outreach.

Sure all the Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn sites are good to keep up with, but how much of what you read is truly how it’s intended?

I found myself wrapped up with the tech-savvy world too; being a staff of two and with so much ground to cover, email and text are the quickest ways to get things done.

But along the line, we’ve lost a very precious opportunity, and it’s called the gift of a person’s time.

I am personally making an effort to be more conscientious of how I communicate and remind myself to pick up the phone more than click the “send” button.

Is this a message for those of you to entertain technology and how it can help improve your productivity?

Yes, but not solely.

At the same time, don’t forget about the truest opportunity to be connected. Pick up the phone and dial or spontaneously stop in to say hello to someone you’ve been meaning to follow up with.

You just may make someone’s day!

Chassity McComack is executive director of the River Region Chamber of Commerce. Email her at or log onto