Visitors admire adult ed program
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 11, 1998
L’Observateur / November 11, 1998
RESERVE – St. John Parish hosted representatives from the governor’s office,the Louisiana State Department of Education and several parish school boards recently. They were here to review the parish’s adult education program, whichis being provided in collaboration by the St. John JTPA and St. John ParishSchool Board.
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAGS) is a national program created to help rekindle the hope of a successful productive future for students 16 to 20 years of age who have not completed their high school education. Keys to this programare preparation for GED certification and job skill training, preparing students to enter the work force and to stay there.
“We were here because your adult education program in St. John Parish isnationally recognized for excellence,” said Ricky Georgetown of the governor’s School-To-Work special projects.
“We have nothing like your program in Baton Rouge and need to model our future sites after yours,” he said. Visiting with Georgetown was Pat Fisher from thestate Department of Education and representatives from the school boards of East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Ascension, Lafayette and Livingston parishes.
“We particularly wanted to speak with the kids who are enrolled in your programs in St. John,” said Georgetown. “We found them to be open and honestand very positive about their experiences here.”Many of the students expressed that St. John’s adult education program was thebest thing that could have happened to them and is providing them a second chance at a productive life that they thought would not be possible. One key tothis success is the one-on-one interaction with the teachers and administrators.
The visitors reviewed activities at the St. John Parish One Stop Center onCentral Avenue in Reserve. Classes in GED and work force preparation areavailable there from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.Six other sites are available for adult education through the St. John ParishSchool Board. They are East St. John High School, West St. John High School, LeonGodchaux Junior High School, Reserve Oaks Housing Development, Louisiana Technical College River Parish Campus and Sherman Walker Correctional Center To attend GED classes at LTC, you must be enrolled in the college. The programat the Sherman Walker Correctional Center is open to inmates. Times and daysvary for the remainder of the locations. For more information, contact the St.John Parish School Board at 536-1106.
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