Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 16, 1999

Deborah Corrao / L’Observateur / June 16, 1999

Dr. Harold Bryson has joined the staff of the First Baptist Church ofLaPlace. Bryson, a faculty member at Mississippi College, began servingas interim pastor at First Baptist the first Sunday of June. He is agraduate and former faculty member at the New Orleans Baptist Seminary.

Also, Rev. Gerald Stovall assumed the responsibilities of interim ministerof music in May. Stovall serves as the BSU director on the University ofNew Orleans campus. He will work with the Glory Singers Choir and willlead in the Sunday worship services.

Angie Bates and Amber Mills are joining the staff as 1999 summer missionaries. Bates, 20, comes from Eva Baptist Church in Hartselle,Alabama. She just completed her junior year at the University of NorthAlabama.

Mills, 19, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, just finished her freshman year at the University of Montevallo.

* * * Mt. Zion Baptist Church in St. Rose is holding a free concert featuringLemont Jackson and the New Beginning of Hammond and The 1999 Second District Graduating Students.

The concert, sponsored by the youth department, will be held June 16 at 7 p.m. at the church located at 100 Second Street in St. Rose. Theperformance is under the leadership of Rev. Forell Bering Sr., dean ofeducation, and Sister Feliska Taylor, Women’s Auxiliary president.

* * * The St. John Sugar Queen Pageant committee and the St. John Theatre willsponsor the 51st annual Sugar Queen Pageant on Aug. 14. Kara Keller ofLaPlace currently reigns as the 50th St. John Sugar Queen. The committee is now accepting contestants between the ages of 17-24 years. Contestants must be residents of St. John Parish. The deadline toenter is July 9.

To enter or get more information, contact Suzanne Cancienne at 652-2257 or 536-3967, BaBa Oncale at 652-1195 or Maria Hotard at 536-3137.

* * * An Hebert Family Reunion meeting is set June 19 at 10:30 a.m. at Ryan’sRestaurant, 1520 Martin Luther King Blvd. Houma.Membership and registration will be available at the meeting. Call(318)893-2381.

Deborah Corrao is a regular columnist for L’Observateur

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