Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 16, 1999

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / June 16, 1999

While serving in the United States Navy between 1953 and 1957, I wrote to my mom and dad at least three times a week. A few years ago, mybrother, Mark, gave me a letter I had written to my dad for Father’s Day.

The letter was dated June 16, 1953.

“Dear Dad, Well, Sunday is Father’s Day. I want to tell you I love and admire you. I’mnot sending a card because I couldn’t find a card that would tell you how much you mean to me.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciated all you did for me. As far as I canremember, you always gave me everything I wanted just to make me hapy.

Sometimes, you deprived yourself and mama of something you really needed.

You know, when I used to go to school, everybody used to say you gave me anything I wanted. Even a few teachers said you were too good to me. Iused to like to hear them say that because I knew I had the best dad in the world.

I can never thank you enough for everything you did for me, but I always tried to make you proud of me. I know sometimes I did things you didn’tlike, but I’m sorry for everything I ever did to hurt you.

So-long for now and may God bless the best daddy in the whole world.

I love you, Harold”

My dad died suddenly in 1955. Of the many letters I wrote, this is the onlyone he kept. I’m glad I told him how much he meant to me while he wasstill alive.

This Sunday is Father’s Day. Instead of a gift, why don’t you send your dada personal note and let him know how you feel? He’ll never forget it.

To all the fathers – Happy Father’s Day! I hope all of you accept the awesome responsibility that goes with being a father. Accept thechallenge and make a commitment to be the godly role model your children so desperately need.

Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur

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