Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 2, 1999

By Harold Keller / L’Observateur / May 2, 1999

One of the worst tragedies in American history is what many people called the massacre of innocent people in Littleton, Colo. Politicians and evensome religious leaders are looking for explanations to this evil act. Thereason is very simple and is explained in the Bible in John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” He did a real good job lastweek. That same scripture goes on to say that Jesus has come to give uslife and give it abundantly.

Did any good come out of last week’s senseless killings? Yes. The Biblealso tells us that what Satan meant for destruction, God will use for good.

What good could possibly have come out of Littleton, Colo. last week? Oneyoung lady was killed hiding under a table. One of the killers bent over andsaid, “Peek-a-boo,” and asked if she believed in God. “Yes,” was her lastword and then she was killed. Think of how many Christians will beconvicted by this brave, unashamed, young lady who refused to deny her Savior. What faith! All Christians should envy her courageous stand.Did any other good come out of this sad situation? Yes, but only as God would have orchestrated it. Only by His grace could the parents of oneyoung victim, interviewed on “Larry King Live,” say that they are at peace knowing where their daughter is and are hoping to be reunited with her one day. Only by the grace of God could these same parents say that they holdno bitterness toward the killers and have compassion for their parents.

What a lesson in faith and forgiveness! On that same show, the Rev. Billy Graham, who is one of my favorites, saidthat things will only get worse. Do I believe this? Yes, because that’swhat the Bible says. Does this mean we, as Christians, should give up andstop trying to make the world a better place? God forbid! It should only motivate us to do more. In fact, that’s God’s command to all of us.

Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur

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