Morgan going on five-week tour with Young Continentals

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 24, 1999

DEBORAH CORRAO / L’Observateur / February 24, 1999

LaPlace teen-ager Laura Morgan has been chosen to participate in a five- week singing tour with the Young Continentals, a Christian performing organization. The tour begins April 15.The Continentals were formed as a group in 1967 as a non-profit, interdenominational ministry designed to encourage personal and spiritual growth in the lives of participants and challenge audiences to a deeper commitment to Christ.

Morgan, 14, says she made a decision to audition for the tour after attending a performance by the group in Baton Rouge.

“They had an audition at the end of the show,” Morgan says. “I felt like Godwas telling me I needed to go.”Morgan, an active member of First Baptist Church of LaPlace, is an accomplished musician who occasionally plays piano and sings solos for church worship services. She is also a member of the church’s PraiseRingers, a youth handbell choir.

Once a week she volunteers to assist teachers at the Wee Care Preschool at First Baptist.

Laura is the oldest of five children of Gregg and Debi Morgan of LaPlace.

The Morgans’ other children are Ryan, 10; Caleb, 5; Sarah, 2, and Jacob, 3 months.

For the past four years Laura and her siblings have been home schooled by their mother. Debi Morgan is involved with a home schooling groupconsisting of about 50 families from the LaPlace area called the Christian Home Educator Fellowship (CHEF).

Laura will graduate from the eighth grade at the end of this school year.

Her mother says the flexibility of home schooling allows Laura to participate in activities like the Young Continentals tour.

The young singer will be among 34 performers and technicians ages 12-15 on the Young Continental tour, which covers the northeastern part of the United States. Stops on the tour include New York, Philadelphia, Bostonand Washington, D.C.When Laura reports to Cincinnati, Ohio, in mid-April she must have her show music memorized. Then she will attend an eight-day rehearsal campwhere the show will be choreographed and staged.

During the whirlwind tour, the teen-agers will perform a concert at a different church each night. Room and board will be provided by membersof churches that sponsor the performances. Days will be spent traveling tothe next stop on the tour.

To win her spot with the Young Continentals, Morgan was required to send in an application, references from two pastors and an audition tape.

Since the Young Continentals are sent out as short-term missionaries, they are asked to raise $2,500 each to cover the cost of the trip.

Morgan has received donations for most of that amount but is holding a garage sale in hopes of collecting the remaining $500 she needs.

Morgan says she knows she will be a little homesick for friends and family while she’s away, but she says she is looking forward to meeting new friends both on the tour and on stops along the way.

Debi Morgan says she will miss her daughter.

“I wish I were going with her,” Debi Morgan says. “We’re giving herprepaid phone cards so she can call home often.”After high school, Laura Morgan is thinking about pursuing a career in interior design. She would also like to get married and have children.

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