LaPlace Lions Club having fun with annual Olympics
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 20, 1999
MICHAEL KIRAL / L’Observateur / January 20, 1999
LAPLACE – The Olympics have come to LaPlace.
No not the Summer or Winter Games but the LaPlace Lions Club Olympics, a series of semi-athletic events designed to help members spend more time together.
Dr. Christy Montegut, serving as the club’s athletic director this year, saidthe games were started three years ago to help get more participation in meetings. The games are held after each monthly meeting (usually thefirst Tuesday of the month) at sites around LaPlace.
Sports include pool, putt-putt, horseshoes, poker and bowling. Memberscan pick and choose the events they want to participate in.
Points are awarded for each event and at the end of the year, the points are calculated from the player’s best four or five events.
Whomever gets the most points is awarded a trophy at the club’s installation banquet in June. Individual event winners also get trophies.”It helps the members get to know each other better,” Montegut said.
Montegut said he is trying to think of new events for this year, noting that the activities are usually of the indoor variety.
Members have also thought about challenging other Lions clubs in the area.
The club is currently in the middle of its season that runs from September to May. He wryly noted that the members use the summer months for “off-season training.”While promoting fellowship among members, the games also help keep the members loose.
“We are doing it for fun,” Montegut said.
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