Published 12:00 am Monday, January 4, 1999
By Harold Keller / L’Observateur / January 4, 1999
As I share my predictions for 1999, let me remind readers that I don’t claim to be a prophet. A prophet is an inspired teacher or revealer of theDivine Will; one who foretells future events. Most people who predictthings are not necessarily inspired by God.
Keep in mind that some of the predictions are serious and some are on the light side.
On the political side: The crime rate in the River Parishes will continue to decrease under the watchful eyes of Sheriff Wayne Jones (St. John), Sheriff Greg Champagne(St. Charles) and Sheriff Willy Martin (St. James). All three will be re-elected with little or no opposition.
The Parish President races in St. Charles and St. John will beinteresting, to say the least. St. James Parish President Dale Hymel willbe rewarded with another four-year term.
The Clerk of Court race in St. John could be as exciting as any of theraces in the River Parishes. Other races to watch will be the StateSenator and the State Representative races in St. Charles and St. John. Dale Wolfe will decide not to run for office. (Did you hear that, “Rock!”?) Bruno Burrell will switch to the Republican Party. (If he does, I’llswitch to Democrat.) Just joking.On the personal side: Veron’s Provision will go nation-wide with their products, under the leadership of “Loga” Louque and with the help of his new public relations director, Kevin Chabaud. (“Loga,” I think you can do better by yourself.) “Pie” Duhon of Reserve (a Riverside fan) will finally admit that Joe Ollar (Mr. St. Charles Catholic) knows more about sports than he does. (Ipersonally think it’s a draw.) The West St. John fans will finally admit that Coach DuPont is a prettygood coach, as well as a class guy.
David Lowry and Don Fernandez of St. Charles Catholic will finallydeliver on a promise to get me one of those nice Comet coaches’ jackets. (Ipromised to do a talk at Riverside with it if they did.) “Hoody” Veron will be filmed from all angles as he demonstrates his golf swing. The film will be stored in a capsule to be opened in the year3000. (Nobody will believe it.) “Moose” Trosclair and his team will win the second annual Quality Machine Works Golf Tournament at Pelican Point. (He’ll be accused ofcheating, but will be cleared of any wrongdoing.) Herman Lemoine and Father Louis Poche will go on tour with their renditions of “Amazing Grace” and “Just a Closer Walk with Thee.”In sports: Coach Mickey Roussel and the Rebels will return to the Dome in 1999 and capture the first-place trophy.
Baseball in the tri-parish area will be more exciting than ever! Coach Gerry DiNardo will please everyone by deciding to quit making commercials.
Roy Del Williams of East St. John and Joseph Trosclair of RiversideAcademy will sign major college athletic football scholarships.
All River Parish teams (girls and boys) will be competitive in all sports.
In the spiritual realm: The spiritual leaders in the River Parishes will finally realize that the building they occupy is not the church, but the church is composed of all believers. A real miracle would be for all leaders to unite for only onepurpose, and that would be to see the person of Jesus Christ responsible for changing lives.
I close with with: Yours truly will realize that he doesn’t know everything! Happy New Year!
Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur
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