Retiring teacher feted by peers

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 18, 1999

ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / December 18, 1999

LAPLACE – The Glade School and the St. John Parish School Board bid a fondadieu to one of its teachers Thursday. After 33 years in the public schoolsystem, special education teacher Marion Robinson is retiring at the end of December.

The usually stoic Robinson was overcome with emotion as fellow teachers, staff, students and her sons regaled her with a party Thursday afternoon in the Glade School library.

Principal Robert Schaff, citing Robinson’s “dedication, and her work under sometimes very difficult situations,” presented Robinson with a plaque and his heart-felt thanks for all of her years of service.

Robinson, in short acceptance speech said, “I’ve had some good times and some bad times, but I’ve enjoyed them all.”Robinson has taught at the Glade School since it was opened 10 years ago.

Before that she taught at Fifth Ward Elementary, Milesville and John L. OryElementary.

Her 17-year-old son, Jessie, helped her cut a cake that was baked especially for the occasion.

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