They did so much for us all
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 10, 1999
L’Observateur / November 10, 1999
Our military veterans have done so much for us, throughout American history. They gave us the freedoms we enjoy, the freedoms we so easilytake for granted. When called upon, they sacrifice and battle to ensure thefuture of those freedoms.
However, depending upon the political climate of the day, we so often take them for granted as well, accepting the fruits of their labors, while giving them scant honor and the respect they are due, even on Veterans Day.
We must put an end to disrespecting our military veterans. We need arebirth of patriotism and a recommitment to honor those who made this country possible and who did so much to make sure it will continue, today and every day.
Remember our veterans, Thursday and every day.
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