Awakening character will open minds

Published 12:00 am Monday, November 8, 1999

L’Observateur / November 8, 1999

DEAR EDITOR: I would like to start this letter with words of the Lord from the scriptures. (Jere 50:6-7 – “My people are like sheep whose shepherds havelet them get lost in the mountains. They have wandered like sheep fromone mountain to another, and they have forgotten where their home is.

They are attacked by all who find them. Their enemies say, ‘They sinnedagainst the Lord, and so what we have done is wrong. Their ancestorstrusted in the Lord, and they themselves should have remained faithful to Him.'”)I have found that for some people the sense of hopelessness comes from a feeling of frustration, that nothing will ever be done about their disadvantaged situation. For many, this disadvantage makes the futurelook uncertain. It’s difficult to plan for a reliably sound solution to buildany sense of security. Certainly, there are those among us in society whowould have our spirits lifted to reach out in support to those who lost their way.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the problem of dealing with those in need should be met with humility. I am keeping in mind a certain image asI write, a symbolic image that catches the understanding and spirit I hope to sustain about our community, to respond from the heart.

I carry an enthusiasm and hope about our spiritual path as an individual, trying to help others around me with their growth. I see the powerfulimage in my thinking, ever since my path from the darkness into the light.

The signs so strongly saying that we, the community, have lifted consciousness in a significant way.

The time will likely come when we will suddenly see the progress and change we as a community make. But the factor which would most likelykeep this from happening would be a failure of character – the inability to express qualities of faith, hope, patience, kindness, gentleness and love of others. Awakening of these characteristics will open the minds of all to ahigher understanding of the truth.

(Romans 3:22-24 – “God treats everyone alike. He accepts people onlybecause they have faith in Jesus Christ. All of us have sinned and fallenshort of God’s glory. But God treats us much better than we deserve, andbecause of Christ Jesus, He freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins…”)

Robert Theriot


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