Remember our veterans

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 10, 1999

L’Observateur / November 10, 1999

DEAR EDITOR: Veterans Day is fast approaching us on Thursday, Nov. 11. I thought it would be fitting and worthwhile if the residents of this parish join me in commemorating this day for all the men and women in the Armed Forces who lost their lives fighting to preserve this country from foreign aggression.

Today, many veterans are handicapped and go through hard times supporting their families. Thank God for those of us who are fortunate andable to return from these battles to provide for their families.

The military service taught me discipline and principles to move on in life. I served in the Korean War and am very proud of that. As Commanderof Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8167, Garyville, and member of American Legion Post 159, Reserve, please join me and meditate in prayer on Nov. 11 for our God-loving country. Though our ranks are growing thinner in the veterans organizations, we must continue to honor the United States Flag as a symbol of our great country.

Allen St. Pierre


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