18 arrested in parish drug sweep

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 21, 1999

LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / July 21, 1999

HAHNVILLE – Eighteen arrests were made during the weekend on various drug charges in St. Charles Parish in an effort to curb thefts andburglaries during the summer.

“We traditionally experience an increase in thefts and burglaries during the summer months. By taking these dealers off the streets last year, wenoted a drastic drop in these crimes,” Sheriff Greg C. Champagne said. A five-month investigation concluded Monday with the issuing of 42 arrest warrants by 29th Judicial District Judge Robert Chaisson. Eighteenpeople were arrested Monday, with additional arrests expected, the sheriff said.

“Crack cocaine has been such a plague, and continues to be,” he said.

Champagne continued that “normally, undercover is ongoing,” and indicated that though this roundup was labeled “Operation Summer Blues,” there is no down time on building drug cases with operations overlapping.

“We made a little space in the jail so we made use of it,” Champagne continued, adding he hopes once the new correctional center is completed, more arrestees can be detained longer.

Prior to the sweep, Champagne said, he spoke to Chaisson about taking a “hard line” on setting bonds and on accepting signature releases.

Those arrested Monday included: Rydell Stipe, 18, 196 Adam St., Killona, false representation of cocaine.Bond set at $75,000.

Otis Smith, 40, 30 Washington St., Norco, distribution of cocaine. Bondset at $25,000.

Joyce Priestly, 43, 257 Post St., Killona, distribution of cocaine. Bondset at $75,000.

Larry Thompson, 19, Luling, distribution of cocaine. Bond set at$250,000.

Darron Williams, 19, 696 Paul Fredrick St., Luling, distribution ofcocaine. Bond set at $350,000. Darrell Taylor, 50, 209 Post St., Killona, distribution of cocaine. Bondset at $225,000.

Lori Joseph, 35, 268 Boutte Estates Drive, Boutte, distribution of cocaine. Bond set at $250,000. Roosevelt Ingram, 20, 910 Paul Fredrick St., Luling, distribution ofcocaine and possession of stolen property. Bond set at $125,000. Brad LaBranch, 44, 228 Magnolia Ridge Road, Boutte, distribution of cocaine. Bond set at $75,000. Travis Joseph, 17, 237 Goodchildren St., Boutte, distribution of cocaine.Bond set at $100,000.

Alfred Robinson III, 22, 1111 Paul Fredrick St., Luling, distribution ofcocaine. Bond set at $300,000. Lloyd DeClouet, 1202 Paul Maillard Road, Luling, distribution of cocaine.

Bond set at $250,000.

Nelson Robinson, 32, 18 Legarde Drive, Luling, distribution of cocaine.

Bond set at $300,000.

Kevin Bartley, 35, 274 Post St., Killona, distribution of cocaine,possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond set at$150,000.

Victor Robinson, 29, 827 Milling Ave., Luling, distribution of cocainewithin 100 feet of a school. Bond set at $250,000. Eric Gardner, 22, 14459 Louisiana Highway 631, Boutte, distribution of cocaine. Bond set at $300,000. Raymond Jenkins, 21, 918 East McAdoo St., New Sarpy, distribution ofcocaine. Bond set at $200,000. Quenton Young, 22, 16612 U.S. Highway 90, Lot B, Des Allemands,distribution of cocaine. Bond set at $350,000.

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