Earth Day success comes from group effort

Published 12:04 am Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Like many national issues, Earth Day is becoming a politicized cause.

Is global warming real? What is the role of the average person in causing such an issue? Should government enforce regulation to combat such concerns?

Let the politicians handle those.

What we can all agree on is it would be nice if our children, grandchildren and loved ones left behind after we’re gone were able to enjoy this planet in the same fashion we have.

With such a universal mandate in mind, we offer our many thanks to our advertising and contributing partners that allowed L’OBSERVATEUR to put together a special Earth Day section, which is included in today’s newspaper.

There are so many individuals, civic organizations and business partners making worthwhile efforts to ensure our natural resources are enjoyed today and in decades to come.

Three such groups — the LSU AgCenter, West St. James Farm Bureau and East St. James Farm Bureau — are sponsoring the Home Vegetable Garden Contest for adults and 4-H youth in May.

The contest encourages home vegetable gardeners to produce quality vegetables for home consumption, economic gain and to improve their knowledge of cultural practices and insect and disease control in the home vegetable garden.

Categories for vegetable gardens are: Youth Gardens; Adult Small home vegetable gardens (less than 1000 sq. ft.); Adult Medium (1000 sq. ft. up to 3500 sq. ft.); and Adult Large gardens (greater than 3500 sq. ft.).

All gardens must have at least four types of vegetables. Only gardens located in St. James Parish are eligible for participation. First place winners receive a cash award, and the first, second and third place winner in each category receive a plaque.

Gardens will be judged in mid-May.

Anyone interested in entering is asked to call Craig Roussel at 985-562-2320 at the Extension Office no later than May 1.