Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 25, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / March 25, 2000

There is an old saying that no success in the world will make up for failure at home. The Bible says that man is created to love and serve God.The role of a married man is to be the protector and spiritual leader of his household. Somewhere along the line, men have neglected their God-givenduty, especially as the spiritual head. I think there is a spiritualawakening taking place in this area where men are hungry to be the persons they were created to be.

One of the most exciting events I have ever attended was a prayer breakfast for men a few months ago at the Holiday Inn in LaPlace. Thetheme of the breakfast was “Real Men Love Jesus!” Over 140 men were in attendance. It was great to see so many men gathered together to breakbread and lift up the name of Jesus unashamed.

A short time after the breakfast, I spoke in South Vacherie to a group of people from Our Lady of Peace Church and mentioned it. After the meeting,Father Gautreau asked if I thought we could do that in his parish. Weagreed to try.

On Feb. 26, in the community center next to the church, we had a “Real MenLove Jesus” prayer breakfast in South Vacherie. Father Gautreau and Iwere very excited as we experienced over 150 men gathered at 7:30 in the morning to break break and fellowship in the name of Jesus. I believe thechurch family of Our Lady of Peace will never be the same.

Because of what God did at these two meetings, a group of men and myself have decided to have one in Lutcher at the K.C. Home on Holy Saturday,April 22, at 7:30 a.m. We’re expecting 200 men to respond to thisinvitation for a special time of fellowship. The theme of the breakfastwill be “Real Men Love Jesus.” You’ve hear the saying, “get real.” If youhave that desire, we encourage you to come.

The prayer breakfast committee is composed of C.J. Brock, Pete Burns,Tim Detillier, Kenneth “Wop” Foret, Danny Louque, Lawrence “Loga” Louque, Danny Millet, Mickey Roussel, Brian and C.J. Schexnaydeer, OtisTaylor, Lynn “Moose” Trosclair and myself. I know the breakfast will besuccessful because only the Holy Spirit could appoint such a diverse committee.

One of my friends who attended the breakfast in LaPlace said that there is nothing more pleasing to God than to see men gather in His name and love one another. I agree.

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