Get High on Life
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 8, 2000
HAROLD KELLER / L’Observateur / March 8, 2000
I read something a few years ago, which stated that everything a person really needs to know could be learned in kindergarten. It referred to beinghonest, courteous, kind, and all the good qualities that God would want us to possess.
Since there was no kindergarten when I started school, I remember first grade at St. Peter School in Reserve and the old Baltimore catechism. Thefirst two questions told the whole story of why we were created. Sister MaryAnna would ask the first question for all the class to answer, which was: “Who made you?” We all answered in a loud voice: “God made me.” Thesecond question was: “Why did God make you?” The answer was: “God made me to love and serve Him.”Sounds like a pretty good plan for a happy life. Not very complicated. In fact,rather simple.
I can still remember my early childhood, going to St. Peter, and having adesire to love and serve God. I remember the excitement of going to churchand longing to know God in a more personal way. Those years when I was sixthrough 10 years of age were great! Why? Because I was innocent and had not allowed the world to rob me of my innocence.
The problem with most of us is that we think serving and loving God is only for little children. What separates us from that godly relationship with ourCreator? The answer is very simple: sin. Sin tells us that loving and servingGod is OK when you are young.
A few years ago, I heard a preacher say that sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay. In my life, it did.The early stages of sin in my life were what I called the little sins – a little lie now and then, a little rebelling against authority, occasionally smoking a cigarette, using vulgar language, and being a party to off-color jokes. Thelittle sins soon led to others – drunkenness, lust, fornication, anger, envy and pride, to name a few.
Many years have passed since those early days at St. Peter School. As I lookback, I wonder how I could have drifted so far from a loving God who created me to love and serve Him.?Did I always believe in God? Definitely, but I believe that knowing there is a God and acting like there is not, is much worse than not believing.
In October 1980, at the age of 45, I felt empty and was miserable. I thenmade a decision to love and serve God again. Because of His mercy andgrace, I was able to renew a child-like relationship with Him. He immediatelyremoved the blinders from my eyes. I was definitely lost, but found Godagain. Maybe that’s why the song, “Amazing Grace,” is one of my favorites.I can personally testify that sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay. I’m grateful that God did not forsake me in all of my sin life.
HAROLD KELLER is affiliated with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.
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