Straight Talk from Straight Kids
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 5, 2000
MONIQUE MICHEL / L’Observateur / January 5, 2000
Man, wasn’t that Y2K bug a killer? Have you even dared to escape from your bomb shelter? My friends and I laughed at midnight and well into the New Year as we thought of all the fear-stricken people who had hoarded food, water, generators and even built bomb shelters in fear of the upcoming year. I don’t think that I’ll everlive through such a humbling experience like it must have been for millions of people who lived in fear. Some of my friends couldn’t even leave their housesbecause their parents were so scared.
I have one question: What in the world were people so afraid of? Say that the computers had crashed. I guess we’d have to tally up our own totals at theregister and maybe even go as far as to manually write a letter. What acatastrophe! Now people are already starting to talk about all of the horrible things that could happen in February since it is a leap year. You’d think that theywould have learned by now.
The sad thing is most people live in fear every day. Fear of failure. Fear ofcommitment. Fear of dying, or even living. The Bible says in 2 Peter 1:7, “For Godhath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”This means that no fear comes from God. The devil strikes fear in us as a meansof distracting us from all that God has in store for us.
Who knows what all of the Y2K fretters could have been doing for God instead/collecting grain and berries? I know I will not allow the devil to plague me with fear of my future because I know the plans that God has already established for me are perfect.
So as we begin this New Year let’s abandon fear and lay every decision or pending problem at the feet of Jesus.
If you have any questions or comments, please write to me at or P.O. Box 1493, LaPlace, La. 70069.
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