Local bands getting new uniforms

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 24, 2000

ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / May 24, 2000

RESERVE – The marching bands of West St. John High and East St. John Highwill strut their stuff in brand new uniforms for the 2000 football season.

The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board last week approved a bid withDemoulin Uniforms, and within 90 to 120 days new uniforms will be delivered to the schools.

The school board received two bids for the band uniforms and went with the low bid of Demoulin Uniforms at a cost of $45,321.22.Student musicians for both schools have been without decent uniforms for the past several years and have been marching in either their usual school uniforms or in sweat suits.

With the purchase the East St. John Wildcats will be marching in black andgold uniforms, while the West St. John Rams will be strutting around in blue,white and silver uniforms.

According to school board purchasing agent Peter Montz, the uniforms have a limited lifetime warranty.

In other school board business: The board approved a new investment policy that will use the Louisiana Asset Management Pool. At the present time the St. John School Board canonly invest using CD’s and U.S. Treasury bills. By joining with LAMP the schoolboard joins a cooperative that allows more options for investments and earns a competitive interest rate.

The board voted to allow the administration to advertise for bids and proposals for pest control, bus parts, office supplies, electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, locksmith supplies, consignment motor fuel, copier/computer paper, instructional material, air conditioning/welding supplies and custodial supplies.

The board approved Director of Finance Nathan Stein’s recommendation to accept the completion of the cooler-freezer addition and renovations to the St. John Child Development Center.The board gave permission to the Director of Special Education Dr. DianeBrown to apply for federal and state funds for programs for students with disabilities.

The board accepted the 2000-2001 consolidated budget of the Title I program. According to Title I director Precious Joseph, this budget will notlose any programs and will work toward getting more involvement from parents.

To help out the students that will have to take the LEAP remediation courses in summer school, the board voted to accept funds from the Recreation Department, the State Department of Education and the General Fund of the St. John School Board to provide each student a daily hot lunch,recreational activities and a LEAP remediation program. This summerprogram will take place at West St. John High School, Garyville/Mt.AiryMagnet and the Glade School.

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