Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 24, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / June 24, 2000

The Bible says “…Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into theheart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”(I Corinthians 2:9) Jeanne and I are living proof that God always keeps His promises. It’s hardto believe all the doors that have opened to us through His ministry of Get High on Life.

In the last five months, we were privileged to host three “Real Men Love Jesus” breakfasts. The breakfast held in LaPlace drew 140 men, while inVacherie there were 153 men present. The breakfast in Lutcher wasattended by 127 men. What a blessing to be a small part of men gettingtogether to pray and worship the King of Kings! In February, we started our seventh year of weekly visits to Fontainebleu Treatment Center in Mandeville. The clients at the facility call it”Saturday Night Live.” Jeanne and I have been faithful and God hasrewarded us by seeing lives changed.

In Larose-Cutoff, I spoke at a mission at the Sacred Heart Church. In BatonRouge, the Baton Rouge Life Underwriters extended me an invitation to speak at their annual meeting.

Wherever I speak, the message is basically the same: “The Secret to Living is Giving,” and I’m not referring to money. I am talking about one’s time,talents and love.

I was again asked to be the opening speaker at the annual convention of “Families Helping Families” in Houma, while Morgan City blessed me with the honor of being their keynote speaker at their mental health workship.

On April 6, I was the speaker at the St. John Homemakers Club meeting inLaPlace and on May 11, addressed the AARP meeting in Gramercy.

I was asked to share on May 13 at Our Lady of Peace Church in Vacherie to a local Cub Scout troop and their parents, and on May 19-20, was a speaker at a conventioin in Covington. The second annual Memorial Day breakfast,held May 26 at the LaPlace Holiday Inn to honor the men and women who unselfishly gave their lives for their country, was an outstanding success.

On June 9, I traveled to Alexandria to speak at the Parents Conference on Special Education.

It is only because of “Get High on Life” that these opportunities to spread God’s Word are possible. And only because of you is Get High on Life abletobe used by God to touch so many lives. Thank you for the privilege.If I seem excited, I really am. God has opened the windows of heaven andpoured out His blessings on us. I often say that one of the greatest giftsGod has given us is the people we meet on our journey toward eternity. Beassured that we don’t take any relationships for granted.

This Tuesday, June 27, the fourth annual Get High on Life fund-raiser will be held at the LaPlace Holiday Inn at 7 p.m. We will be celebrating 20years of God’s ministry reaching out to a lost and lonely world. May wenever forget that it is God’s ministry and that we are but trusted servants.

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.

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