St. Charles School Board fighting for teacher raises
Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 16, 2000
LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / December 16, 2000
LULING – A resolution to support the current Minimum Foundation Program bythe St. Charles Parish School Board gained unanimous approval Wednesday inthe face of threatened restructuring.The resolution points out that the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP)established by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Educationoriginally incorporated the recommendation of the School Finance Committeeto raise teacher salaries. However, when full funding for the MFP was approved by the stateLegislature, the bill did not include additional money for teacher raises.Additionally, a proposed constitutional amendment which likewise would haveprovided the necessary funds to raise teacher salaries failed on Nov. 7 togain voter approval.In response, bills have been filed by state legislators, designed to redirectMFP funds toward teacher raises. This, though, “would seriously strain localresources in many parishes, catastrophically for some…,” according to theresolution.”A well-qualified, adequately compensated teaching corps is absolutelyessential to providing a quality education to our children, thereby fulfillingour educational mission,” the resolution continued.In other activity, the school board: Honored Hahnville High School ninth-grader Kurry Matherne of BayouGauche, who designed the 2000 Christmas card for the school board. Approved issuance of certificates of indebtedness to borrow $360,000 forthe purchase and installation of a new computer system and software forthe school cafeterias. Approved the 2001-2002 school calendar. Approved a new policy on naming new facilities and renaming existingfacilities so that if a facility is to be named or renamed it honors a personwho is deceased and who made a significant educational contribution to theSt. Charles Parish School System. Approved a resolution in memory of Marie Vial Dufrene, who taught for 43years in St. Charles Parish. Approved the new, 12-page annual report, mailed to residents across St.Charles Parish.Superintendent Dr. Rodney Lafon also urged people to see video of thevarious schools’ 26 holiday programs on Cox Channel 8.Schools are closed Dec. 22 to Jan. 8.
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