GET HIGH ON LIFE Dec. 13, 2000
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 13, 2000
Harold Keller
Last week, I received a postcard from the First Baptist Church of LaPlace. The question on the front, in bold letters, read, “Do your kids think getting down the chimney is the miracle of Christmas?” It stated that children should know theres more than one reason for the season. It continued by statingthat this year, introduce them to the real meaning of the holiday season, and let Jesus give Santa Claus a little competition. We have to be reminded by signs and bumper stickers to keep Christ in Christmas. Regardless of the effort to remind people what Christmas is allabout, the majority of us spend more time buying gifts, planning parties, and getting caught up in the materialism of the holiday, than in the message of salvation. With all the mixed messages that we get around Christmas, I was excited to hear about an outdoor Nativity drama that will be presented on Friday, Dec. 22, at 7 p.m., on the vacant lot north of the Glade School on Highway 51 inLaPlace. The drama is being sponsored by five area churches: First United Methodist Church, Lutheran Church of the Galilean, Woodland Baptist Church, Presbyterian Church of St. John and St. Timothys Episcopal.Admission is free, but everyone is encouraged to bring a toiletry item and/or a non-perishable food item. The donated items will be given to the St. JohnMinistry of Care. Mrs. RuthAnn Hartman is this years director, but she prefers to be calledthe coordinator. Mrs. Lucy Craig Kennedy, whom Mrs. Hartman says is thegreatest encourager and supporter anyone could ever be associated with, will assist her. There will be 130 people participating in this years drama. Everyone involvedis responding to Gods call and their labor of love can be acknowledged by our attendance. Let me encourage all of you to join me on Friday, Dec. 22, andcelebrate the real reason for this holiday season. HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.