Rain cannot kill smiles at clinic
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 22, 2000
MICHAEL KIRAL / L’Observateur / November 22, 2000
LAPLACE – The weather outside might have been frightful but localyoungsters were having a delightful time inside at the Lenny WebsterFoundation Baseball Clinic Saturday at The Glade School.
This was the third year for the event and the second time the LennyWebster Foundation has held it. Webster, a Lutcher High School andGrambling University graduate who played for the Montreal Expos this pastseason, was on hand as was Jeffrey Hammonds of the Colorado Rockies andmembers of the foundation’s board. The clinic opened with Dr. Cesar Roca teaching the youngsters aboutbaseball conditioning drills. Webster then talked to the players about theclinic and the fundamentals of baseball.
After a warm-up period, the players were separated into age groups andwent through a series of drills on baseball fundamentals. Those drills included everything from hitting and throwing to running thebases and fielding ground balls.
Wendell Henderson, a member of the board, helped found the clinic afterumpiring in the recreational leagues. He realized that many coaches didnot have the time to teach the fundamentals of the game and decided toput together a clinic that would do just that.
“If you show them the correct way of doing things, everything else fallsinto place,” Henderson said.
Webster thanked Henderson and the rest of the board members – TammyHouston, Bonnie Dinvaut, Errol Manuel, Marelle Wallace, Annissa Websterand Greg Joseph – as well as Leroy Webster and Derek Smith for their helpand support of the clinic.
“They are the big reason this goes on so well,” Webster said. Webster also gave thanks for the parents for bringing the players to theclinic despite the inclement weather.
“I’m just excited about being here and having the kids come out,” Webstersaid. “I credit the parents for bringing them here. It shows we have goodparental support in the River Parishes.
“I’ll try to keep it going and I’m just glad to dedicate my down time tohelp give back to the kids of the River Parishes.”Hammonds said he looked up to Webster when he was coming up throughthe Baltimore organization and Webster was with the Orioles. “As a teammate and a friend of Lenny’s, I know the dedication andcontributions he brings to the game,” Hammonds said. “He asked me tocome to his home and I asked what I can do to help.”And despite being forced indoors for the clinic, Hammonds noted that theplayers were still eager to be there and learn.
“The rain didn’t kill any of the smiles here so it’s alright,” Hammondssaid.
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