Dresselhaus needs to live in glass house

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 7, 2001

DEAR EDITOR: Disappointed again, this time by Lee Dresselhaus’s column on Jan. 24. We all make mistakes. You and I both know that a greater number of married men have extramarital affairs than those that don’t. I do not believe either should be ridiculed. Why do you think that it is necessary to write all that you had to say about Jesse Jackson? We have been advised by television and newspaper numerous times since the smear was produced. You fit the description of your second paragraph. What are your darkest secrets that you are keeping tucked away from prying eyes of mere mortals? Can you imagine a fly such as the one you spoke of, perched on the wall of your bedroom? Where does a little man such as you get the gall to say that great men such as Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson never had any morals? Might it be because of your achievements, you cannot recognize those of others? Where have you been all of your life? Other public figures also make mistakes. We have priests who take confessions and have great admiration for little boys. We have preachers and evangelists who rob their congregations. We have senators who leave public office because of extramarital affairs. We have a president who stopped drinking 17 or 19 years ago. He said on national television while campaigning for president that his only reason for doing so was he did not want his daughters to see him drunk. Can we anticipate that all of your columns will ridicule and condemn every person larger than you? Wow! You go, man! It even bothers you how Jesse Jackson pays his child support, and questions as to where the money is coming from. Why don’t you write a letter to Jesse Jackson and ask him whether or not he is paying child support with Rainbow Coalition’s money? You are right about one thing: birds of a feather stick together. Keep hanging in there. One day, you might be promoted to a grand dragon with a small g and d. This life situation you described in the moral of your story is just as ridiculous as your entire column. Wait until Jesse finds out that you said that if he can find a way to fool more of the people all of the time like he has been doing all along, he just might survive this whole thing. Get off that cloud, man. Try harder to write about things that make sense.

Clarence Watkins
