Council childish

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 7, 2002


DEAR EDITOR: Lenny Gray’s recent column on the lack of decorum in St. Charles Parish council meetings were right on target. It has become increasingly uncomfortable and sometimes downright embarrassing to watch this group in action. There is talking out of turn, whispering and passing notes to each other, facial expressions, body language, laughing and a general inability to conduct themselves as mature people doing the serious business of the parish.

Add to this the distinct feeling that some of them are often in a state of confusion about what they are doing and have no desire to be enlightened, the attitude of some that they wish they were anyplace but there and just want to hurry up and get out of there, and the arrogant position that they’ve learned all they need to know in some meeting with somebody outside of the council meeting, and the terms “civic duty” and “public service” lose their meaning.