Members mum on closed door

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 21, 2004

By SUE ELLEN ROSS – Staff Reporter

RESERVE – For more than two hours, the St. John School Board met behind closed doors last week, leaving audience members surprised.

Members were discussing personnel matters, curriculum and sales tax collection, Superintendent Mike Coburn said Monday, offering no further details.

Coburn added that a letter was sent to all board members with the particulars of what the meeting would entail, as is normal procedure.

No precise information on recommendations discussed in the meeting was available at press time. Coburn would not deny or confirm if he proposed specific personnel changes.

According to his office, that is not public information at this time.

Most of the agenda items at the regular board meeting had been discussed within an hour-and-a-half time frame before the superintendent and board members went into executive session.

Many in the crowded meeting room had left by the time they came out of that session, hours later. Nothing more was discussed at that time,

The next school board meeting is scheduled at 6 p.m., May 6 in the former Leon Godchaux Elementary School cafeteria in Reserve.