Roccaforte brings people-skills

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 28, 2004

BY SUE ELLEN ROSS – Staff Reporter

LAPLACE – When Margaret Roccaforte and her sister signed up for volunteer work at River Parishes Hospital in 1984, they had no idea which areas they would be working in. “My sister had met a lady that suggested we come volunteer at the hospital,” said Roccaforte. “We decided to try it.”

She was retired from the S. H. Kress Company after 33 years of service when they went out of business. “I worked all my life, and I was only 55-years-old when the company closed down. I was used to working, so I came here.”

The siblings worked together ‘on the floor’ and also in the purchasing department. When her sister passed away in 1999, Roccaforte continued to serve at the hospital. She has been stationed in the Surgery Waiting Room for the past five years.

“Volunteerism provides the opportunity to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from helping others feel comfortable, appreciated and accepted,” said the Garyville resident.

As a former saleslady, she developed many people skills, including empathy. When patient’s families want information of their loved one’s progress in the operating room, Roccaforte calls the operating room nurse. She relates the news to the families, or lets them know the doctor will be coming soon to talk to them.

Roccaforte enjoys working with the hospital staff. She sees firsthand the valuable service they provide. “The nurses are always ready with a smile to brighten another’s day with service, comfort and care.”

Many people tell Roccaforte directly how much they appreciate her assistance while in the surgery waiting room. “This makes me feel wonderful,” she said. ‘It’s a very good feeling to be able to help someone out with what they want.”

The dedicated volunteer also keeps busy with additional involvement in the Reserve AARP, CAP (Community Action Program), and volunteers at St. Hubert Church in Garyville. She also spends quite a bit of time with her 24 nieces and nephews.

For information on volunteering at River Parishes Hospital, call Claudette Henry at 651-1482.