Cut costs by trouble-shooting your home cable TV system

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 14, 2004

LAPLACE – More and more Americans are turning to self-service to handle their needs – from pumping gas to banking at ATMs to checking themselves out at the supermarket. Especially with the rise of the Internet, self-service trends are spreading further.

In response to an increased demand for do-it-yourself services, businesses are now offering customers Web self-service for convenience and a more rewarding customer experience. For example, BellSouth customers who detect trouble with phone service can now go to to troubleshoot and actually make repairs.

“Telephone service problems can result from defective equipment, inside wiring or faulty telephone jacks. Repairing these problems may result in a service charge if a technician is dispatched to a customer’s home or office,” said Janet Whitters, manager for BellSouth in South Louisiana.

Telephone companies are responsible for the networks that provide the telephone service, but customers usually have responsibility for the inside wiring as well as communications equipment such as phones, fax machines, computers and caller ID devices.

Before customers call for assistance, BellSouth encourages them to use troubleshooting tips to determine the cause of the problem and help fix it themselves. Following simple step-by-step instructions may be a customer’s quickest way to get telephone service working again.

Quick Troubleshooting Tips for Fixing Basic Telephone Service Problems

1. Noise or static on the line? Try disconnecting all of your telephones and related equipment (answering machines, computers, FAX, caller-ID devices, etc.) and waiting at least one minute. Then, reconnect your telephones one at a time to see if the trouble still exists. Check for dial tone as you plug in each one. If the problem stops, it is most likely associated with a specific telephone or related equipment. If static returns once you have reconnected a telephone device, the problem is most likely associated with that item of equipment or the cord attached to that equipment.

2. No dial tone on any of your telephones? The problem may be in the telephone line outside your home (or business). If you can locate your Network Interface Device (or NID, a gray box located usually on the outside of your home) and can access the test jack (you will need a screwdriver to open the NID), connect a basic non-cordless telephone set to it. If you connect the telephone to the NID test jack and hear dial tone, the problem is most likely associated with your telephone sets, jacks, equipment or inside wiring (follow steps outlined above for “Noise or static on the line”). If you can’t hear dial tone, the problem is most likely associated with the telephone line outside your home or business.

3. Dial tone on some but not all telephones? Chances are the service outage you are experiencing is due to telephone-related equipment failure in your home or business. Disconnect the non-working equipment and reconnect it to a telephone jack that has a working telephone. If still no dial tone, the problem is in the telephone set. If you get dial tone, the problem is most like associated with the inside wire or telephone jack.

4. Do you have a cordless phone? If so, unplug it (including any electrical transformer) and then try your other telephone. Check to see if the problem still exists.

5. Do you have a problem with your Caller ID display unit? Check to see that it is properly connected and that the batteries are fresh. Caller ID service also requires subscription to this feature from your local service provider.

6. Can’t receive telephone calls even though you have dial tone? It is possible that Call forwarding has been activated on your telephone. Try dialing *73 (or 1173 from a rotary dial telephone) to disable this feature.

7. Can’t make long distance telephone call? For trouble completing long distance calls, please call 1-700-555-4141 from the line where the trouble occurs or call your chosen long distance carrier for additional support. If your chosen carrier is BellSouth Long Distance, call 1-888-REPAIR8.

Customers are encouraged to download or print out the “Quick Troubleshooting Tips” at before any services problems occur, review the information and keep it handy for future reference.

“When the customer has downloaded or printed out the Quick Troubleshooting Tips in advance, it takes only a few minutes to use,” said Whitters. “These tips can help the customer avoid situations that may result in charges for repairs that were outside a service agreement. They are also an additional way for BellSouth to provide the excellent service our customers expect.

“BellSouth is always available to customers who need repairs on their inside wiring if they don’t have the inside wiring plan. We just want them to know that they have the option of fixing it themselves or having a qualified contractor do it for them,” Whitters said.