Reminders to pray for our troops in Iraq

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 23, 2004

Ronny Keller Michel- From the Heart

The smoke from the fireworks has cleared and the celebration of another Fourth of July has passed. We spent several days before the holiday in Texas with my in-laws. I wanted my son, Geoffrey, to meet us Saturday, but hesitated before asking him to drive five hours. My hesitation ended when I thought, “He’s 19 and old enough to be fighting in Iraq. Surely, he can find Texas on his own.” Those thoughts made the celebration of our nation’s freedom even more significant, as I was reminded of the many sons and daughters still in the midst of war.

Longtime friends, Forrest and Diane Smith, know all too well about the war. They’ve been blessed with six children, two daughters and four sons. Their sons, Tim and Michael, have served overseas in the armed forces. Their other two sons, Andrew and Greg, are presently enlisted and will be sent to Iraq in the fall.

When the war began, I joined the host of Americans who displayed yellow ribbons as a sign of support for our troops. The two trees in my front yard were decorated with large, yellow bows, which lasted for quite some time and were finally removed earlier this summer after losing the battle against the wind and rain. Following the festivities of the Fourth, the two yellow bows have been replaced. Whenever I see them, I am prompted to pray for my nation and the men and women who are serving it, especially Andrew and Greg Smith. I’m sure Forrest and Diane need no such reminder.

RONNY MICHEL’s column appears every Saturday.