Schools back in session today

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 9, 2008


News Editor

LAPLACE—St. John Parish public schools, as expected, reopened their doors to students today.

As of press time only three of St. John’s schools—West St. John High, Fifth Ward and Godchaux—remained without power. Superintendent Courtney Millet still had not decided what to do if power to those schools was not restored by Wednesday.

As for the rest of the schools, faculty and staff spent Monday and Tuesday cleaning up and getting them ready for the Wednesday start date.

Although the process has had its own unique set of problems in addition to the lack of power, Millet said of her term’s first weather-related obstacle, “This has not been too difficult since I have had such a wonderful group of people helping me get through all of this. They have made such a difference.”

Of course, all of this recovery has happened at a time when another storm, Ike, is taking aim at the Gulf Coast. Although its path is still unclear, the parish’s school system is taking no chances.

She said she and the rest of the administration meet daily to discuss the possibility of another landfall and expects to have made a decision on future closings by Thursday. Additionally, employees may be paid a little early this period, so they can be sure to have their checks in the event of an evacuation.

Private schools in St. John also are making a Wednesday comeback. Reserve Christian, Riverside Academy and St. Charles Catholic are all expected to reopen their doors today.

Also, classes at River Parishes Community College will resume on Wednesday.

School buses will also return to the streets of St. John’s neighboring parishes today.

Like in St. John, faculty and staff spent the early part of this week readying the schools for the students’ return.

In St. Charles, as of Monday afternoon, only Allemands Elementary remained without electricity, but according to Director of Public Information Rochelle Cancienne-Touchard, Entergy has assured the parish that the school will also be ready for classes to resume on Wednesday.

According to the school system’s website, St. James Parish schools will also be ready for a Wednesday return.