Parents are responsible for children’s behavior

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I applaud your editorial supporting a bill now pending before the Legislature to hold teenagers accountable for cyber bullying. As you point out, using electronic devices to attack and spread rumors about other children who are unpopular or somehow “different” can have lasting negative consequences upon those vulnerable kids, including leading some to commit suicide.

But I disagree with you on one point. When you contend that the speed of technological change makes it nearly impossible for parents to track everything their sons and daughters do, you seem to give parents a free pass on the issue. If so, that’s wrong.

Parents are always ultimately responsible for their children’s behavior. There has never been a time, from the days of cavemen to today, when parents have ever been able to keep track of everything their children do. 

But parents are responsible for teaching their children right from wrong from the time they are born. Failing to teach respect for others, and failing to hold their children accountable for their behavior, falls squarely upon a parent’s shoulders.

If they have not begun learning that lesson by the time they enter school, no law will ever be strong enough to correct that deficit.

  – Russ Wise

St. John the Baptist Parish School Board