Michel: He can restore the soul; He can comfort; He can even use Zoom for His glory

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 20, 2020

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Something I had never heard of until March has now become one of my favorite things. Well there are actually two wonderful things I’ve discovered since March – Blue Bell’s Salted Caramel Cookie ice cream and Zoom, but let’s limit today’s column to the latter.

Zoom is an online platform that allows video communication with groups of people. I’ve been included in Zoom meetings, Bible studies and chats with friends. Last week, during a Prayer group, one of the young women, Molly, shared from Psalm 23.

She listed the things the Lord does in that Psalm – makes us lie down in green pastures, leads us beside still waters and in paths of righteousness, walks with us through valleys, and anoints and protects us when we are surrounded by enemies.

While I’ve read, heard, and sought comfort from that Psalm countless times, it was Molly’s focused attention to the third verse that continues to echo, “He restores my soul.”

Molly pointed out that only God can restore a soul. He will lead us to places of rest and nourishment, walk beside us through dark times, and provide what we need when we need it. But the greatest benefit of all is the restoration of our soul, and that work is reserved for nothing and no one else but the Lord. For me, that means making sure I take time each morning to sit quietly before God, and allow Him to mend, rebuild and restore my soul.

Let me know if you would like to Zoom in on an encouraging meeting, or if you’d like any other ice cream recommendations.

Ronny Michel can be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.