Pastor Vernon Alexander Sr. celebrates 42 years

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 28, 2019

EDGARD — The Greater New St. Peter Baptist Church 200 West Third St. in Edgard will celebrate their Pastor Vernon Alexander Sr.’s 42nd anniversary as pastor.  The Anniversary Service will be held at 2 p.m. Sept. 15. Linda Narcisse and Harrieth Batiste are chairpersons for the event, and guest pastor for this occasion is Pastor Forell Bering Sr. of Bethlehem Baptist Church and Pilgrim Baptist Church of Reserve.

Pastor Alexander has been approved by God to be given the privilege and responsibility of teaching and protecting the Gospel.

He is honored and well respected by his family. He is married to Yvonne Banks Alexander, who has diligently worked by his side for the cause of Christ. As the Pastor’s Wife, she has a very challenging role in the Church.  While the Pastor is very visible as he teaches, leads and preaches, she is ministering in the background.  She must adjust her life to meet the needs of her Husband’s congregation and cope with most any situation. She is a Godly Woman; A lovely lady; An example for other women to follow. She always greets you with a smile, always listens and always offers an encouraging word.  She is poised, very sweet, has composure and dignity. No matter what the situation she may encounter, she always looks her best and she sit quietly and with proper respect while her Pastor/Husband dispenses the Gospel. She is always at her pastor-Husband side when the Church doors are open, whether it be prayer meeting, Sunday School, choir practice or Church Service. As the Pastor’s wife, she has earned her keep because she wants to. She loves her Pastor-Husband.  She is devoted to the ideals of his calling and loves people, those who need his ministering and her comfort.

Pastor Alexander and Sister Alexander have five children — Rosalyn Gauff, Phliss Duhe,  Jeanne Palmer, Lisa Alexander and Rev. Vernon Alexander Jr. — along with a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Pastor Alexander was born December 8, 1936, the sixth child of the Late Joseph and Odessa Hafford Alexander. He confessed His belief in Christ in October 1963 and was baptized at The Providence #1 Baptist Church in LaPlace by the Late Rev. Doctor Samuel Jones. There he was a Sunday School Teacher and a member of the Male Chorus. He received his early education in St. Charles Parish and Orleans parish.  He attended the Union Baptist College and Theological Seminary from 1970-1976 and received His Bachelor of Theology Degree and Master of Theology. He served in the United States Navy from 1956 to 1958.

He was ordained by the Central Union Missionary Baptist Association INC. in 1972.

God sent pastor Alexander to the Greater New St. Peter Baptist. In October 1977, he was confirmed and installed as Pastor. He believes that the Holy Bible is the True Word of God and that Salvation is by none other than Jesus Christ. He therefore prides himself in teaching and preaching God’s uncompromising Word. He strongly believes in tearing down traditional attitudes within the Church and getting on with the business of giving God our best ministry possible. He is an inspired and energetic preacher and teacher who loves the Lord. Under his leadership, Greater New St. Peter Baptist Church has grown both numerically and spiritually. The Church has five dynamic loyal ministers/Teachers, Rev. Joseph Comminie Jr., the Rev. Joseph Hilaire, the Rev. Joseph Weber, the Rev. Harold Comminie and Rev. Lowell Gauff. Six loyal Deacons, Wilbert Milton, Shelton Valentine, Geroge Dunmiles, Sidney Lockette, Micheal Williams, and Lowell Gauff, serve as a great asses to him and serves the Church faithfully and a Deaconess Board which consist also of loyal faithful members. The Church has a dynamic Sunday School Department, Tuesday Night Prayer/Bible Study, Women Ministry, Senior Choir, Male Choir, Junior Choir, Senior and Junior Usher Board.

Greater New St. Peter Baptist Church is a Bible Teaching, evangelizing and Teaching Ministry.

On Sunday, Sept. 15, The Greater New St. Peter Baptist Church will celebrate Their Pastor Rev. Vernon and Sister Yvonne Alexander 42 years of service.

“42 years as Pastor, Teacher, Organizer and Teacher.  A guide and counselor to all.”

by Gail M. Comminie, an Edgard resident, who writes about people and events on the west bank of St. John the Baptist Parish.  She can be reached at 985.267.1004 or e-mail