Letter to the Editor: Garyville – Same type of threat, different results

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 21, 2019

It is interesting that the Parish Council recently voted unanimously to defeat the potential multi-unit development that many consider a threat to the area’s drainage, its property values and its safety. One person put it this way “in five or 10 years the development would become government-funded housing.”

Guess what?  Last year, our small community cried out that its rejuvenated, government project, would be a threat to our drainage, our property values and our safety. Sound familiar?

This same planning commission and parish council voted in favor of a multi-family, low income, housing complex for Garyville, but voted unanimously against the multi-unit development for LaPlace.

Poor, hapless, Garyville had to succumb, once again, to the wishes of the heavily dominated majority council members from LaPlace. As the saying goes “we don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell” to get any respect from the rest of the parish.


Carl V. Monica

Concerned Citizens of Garyville