Michel: What would happen if we treated all days like New Years Day

Published 12:19 am Saturday, January 5, 2019

What if we treated every new day like every new year?

Not with fireworks; we’d never sleep. Nor with parties; we’d never work. But what if we were excited about the dawn of each new day?

What if we stayed on a 24-hour cycle of releasing the past and embracing the future with the hope, eagerness and celebration that new beginnings offer.

My word for 2019 is present.

This year I choose to be fully present, in the moment, and excited about the gift of the scene in front of me. Each morning stretched before me is a day I’ve never lived before and will never repeat.

In the past I’ve claimed to multi-task. I no longer think this is possible.

I can’t think two thoughts at the same time. When I attempt to do several things at one time, I believe that I only do many things quickly, giving a second or two to each activity.

My mind jumps back and forth from a conversation with my daughters about the likeliness of eggplant parmesan inducing Elise’s labor, to my turn during a UNO game with my granddaughters, to running to the kitchen to stir a pot of green beans.

My hope for this year is to immerse myself in what is before me, fully aware of its gift.

This begins every morning as I sit before God, thankful for the sacredness of the moment, and open to His direction for the day.

There, in the present, I present (give) Him the pen to the book of my life and ask Him to write His will on its pages.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.