Michel: Accomplish your 2019 goals one step & day at a time

Published 12:19 am Saturday, December 29, 2018

When I taught, I approached the beginning of every school year the same way.

I looked at each subject from beginning to end to determine what the students should learn.

The first page of each book looked vastly different from the last, but I never got overwhelmed. I knew that I would guide the students little by little.

I daily taught one Bible lesson, one Math lesson, one Phonics lesson … and by the end of the year the goals were achieved.

The goals I have set for myself for 2019 scare me a little, so I’m taking a lesson from my First Grade classroom. I’ve listed my goals and broken them down into small, daily, manageable parts. If I work at each one a little every day, I’ll meet the end of the year with success.

What’s your goal for 2019: Restoration of a relationship, starting or finishing a degree, losing weight, gaining financial freedom, reading a book, writing a book or completing repairs on your home or taking a trip?

What is it?

Let’s enter the new year with a clear vision and a definite goal.

Look toward what you would like to accomplish. Write it down. Read it every morning. Take daily steps toward your dream until you experience its completion.

Little by little we can successfully finish this year.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.