Michel: Reserve I-12 crash victim resting in Heavenly home

Published 12:19 am Saturday, June 2, 2018

My family has been duly warned. If I am ever missing, they are not to report my correct weight.

“I’ll say you weigh 100 pounds,” my husband said.

“Then I’ll never be found!”

“Sure you will,” he said. “We’ll follow the sound of you popping your gum.”

I ignored his remark, and my family’s laughter, and continued.

“And if I ever run away, it will be to the beach.” It’s my favorite place to relax and reflect.

There, at the water’s edge, the waves — either calm or crashing — soothe me, still my soul and let God’s thoughts surface.

I remembered that conversation when I heard the heartbreaking news that Rachel Lehmann, from my hometown Reserve, was a victim of the recent horrific accident on I-12. I admired Rachel’s bold faith in her Savior and was not surprised to read the last thing she posted on Facebook.

It was the following message from evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

“I was part of a discussion panel on National Television. Except for the moderator I didn’t know the others on the panel, but one gentleman introduced himself as an atheist. The moment we were on air he challenged me, saying ‘You preach that there is power in the blood of Jesus. I don’t believe it. The blood of Jesus is already around for 2000 years but the world today is worse than ever.’

“My reply was that there is also a lot of soap in this world, yet many people are dirty. If I was dirty and stood next to a piece of soap, I would not automatically be clean. I would have to stretch out my hand, take the soap in my hand and apply it to my body. The blood of Jesus works similarly. We all need to ask Christ to wash us from sin – and then, by faith we apply the remedy. (1 John 1:7) When you do it now, you will be amazed. Jesus will save you. There is power in the Blood of the Lamb of God.”

Although Rachel’s family will deeply grieve her absence, I believe that she left a clear message as to where she is.

May the knowledge that she is in her Heavenly home provide comfort for her friends and family.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.