Robottom: Levee tax provides protection

Published 12:02 am Saturday, April 15, 2017

On Saturday, April 29, voters will decide whether or not to pass a 7 mill property tax to fund a hurricane/flood protection.

For over 40 years, a hurricane protection levee for St. John has been talked about.

In 2012, Hurricane Isaac exposed once again just how vulnerable we are to storms and high water. Now, finally, we have action.

We encourage you to vote YES for a property tax millage proposal that will help build this much-needed levee.

Last year, Congress approved construction of the $718 million West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Protection Levee — 18 miles of earthen levees, flood gates and pumping stations from the Bonnet Carré Spillway to Mt. Airy.

For the levee to be built, St. John must ensure that it can pay about $50 million for its share of construction and maintenance. The ballot issue of April 29th proposes a property tax increase of 7 mills for 30 years dedicated solely to this project.

The assessor’s office projects that homeowners could see their annual taxes increase by about $17 for homes valued at $100,000 to $650 for homes valued at $1 million.

The average increase for a property owner is $3.44 cents per month and flood insurance premiums could go down once the levee is built.

Residents with homes valued under $75,000 will pay nothing, seniors over 65 whose taxes are frozen will see no increase and veterans who are 100 percent disabled receive a double Homestead Exemption.

REMEMBER, these funds cannot be used for any other purpose but FLOOD PROTECTION.

Vote early this week, through Saturday, April 22, from 8:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the Registrar of Voters Office in the Percy Hebert Building in LaPlace or the Edgard Courthouse.

Building this levee would be a giant step toward providing much needed hurricane and flood protection for homes, businesses, schools, law enforcement, first responders and critical evacuation routes.

For more information, visit or call Baileigh at 652-9569. Thank you for your time and don’t forget to vote!

Natalie Robottom is St. John the Baptist Parish President. She can be reached at