Keller: Remember empty tomb this Easter; Jesus lives

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, April 12, 2017

As Easter approaches, you may have seen yard signs that read: Easter is all about Jesus.

It reminds me of a story I heard years ago that may remind all of us to keep our focus on the celebration.

We are all familiar with the colorful, hollow, plastic Easter eggs that are used for decoration and some people insert money in them to give as an Easter present.

A few years ago, I remember hearing a story about a second grade teacher who gave one to each student in the class.

Her instructions were for each of them to write what they enjoyed most about Easter or what it meant to them.

The last day of school before the holidays, she opened each one, recognized the student, and read each personal message.

One little girl shared how she loved to shop with her mother for a pretty dress for Easter Sunday.

Another student said eating with the family was what he enjoyed the most.

One little boy’s message was that he couldn’t wait to get all those Easter eggs. And another wrote, I like having days off from school.

Then the teacher came to an empty egg. It belonged to a little, shy boy named Joseph.

The teacher sternly asked, “Joseph, what’s the idea of turning in an empty egg?

Doesn’t Easter mean anything special to you?

Defensively, he quietly said, “The empty egg reminds me of the empty tomb. My Mom and Dad always told me that this was the main reason for the celebration.”

Jesus has risen and we have hope of spending eternity with Him in Heaven.

Those who live on what we might call “The outskirts of hope” need a transfusion. Jesus gives it.

In preparation for Easter, let us always remember the empty tomb.

Jesus lives!

If you have any questions or comments, please write Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477 or email