Keller: Daily devotionals find audience behind prison bars
Published 12:08 am Saturday, January 23, 2016
During the last four years, Jeanne and I have sent 30 daily devotionals to my friend, C.J., who was incarcerated in Pollock.
“The Word for You Today” is a quarterly devotional that has a spiritual message for each day.
Monday, I received the following letter:
“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Keller,
I want to thank you for your faithfulness. As I understand it, you have been sending “The Word for You Today” devotional books to C.J. for some time now. I am one of the many men who has benefited from your ministry.
Unfortunately, C.J. recently transferred to another institution. We’re really going to miss him around here!
I guess we all knew he would leave eventually, but the reality of his departure still stings.
Few realized his contribution to our “community” here until he was gone.
But one tangible impact many of us will feel soon is his quarterly distribution of our devotional books.
While we won’t be able to ever replace C.J., I wonder if perhaps you would consider continuing your ministry to the Camp at Pollock? Believe it or not, I actually have five different devotionals that I read every day, but my favorite is “The Word for You Today.”
I am very grateful that I only have four months left on my sentence, but I’d hate to think my last quarter here would be without my favorite devotional guide. And I know I’m not alone.
If you are willing to send them, I will gladly distribute them to the other guys. I’ll also pass along another man’s contact information who will be here after I leave and will likewise gladly serve as your point of contact.
Thanks, again, for your kindness and faithfulness.
Grace and Peace,
Name Withheld”
If you have any questions or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477, or email