Today is the most important day of your life

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Over 35 years ago, I was introduced to a 12-step program that was instrumental in helping me overcome my abuse of the drug alcohol. One statement that was repeated often was that only two days will prevent you from enjoying life — yesterday and tomorrow.

I, like the majority of people, talked more about the past (yesterday) and projected the future (tomorrow). Those two days prevented me from enjoying the present, which is a daily gift from God.

Some winning words of wisdom I continually heard were that it’s not what happened in the past, but it’s the decisions you make today that will determine your destiny.

The Bible says to fret not about tomorrow because we know not what tomorrow will bring. Does that mean that we forget the past? No. The past, with its accomplishments and failures, should never be forgotten. The failures are what we should learn from and the good experiences are to always be treasured.

Today as I woke up, I thanked God for the peaceful sleep I enjoyed. I then knelt down and said that today I’ve made up my mind to live in the present. I decided that whatever comes my way, together God and I could handle.

The reason I’m writing this article is to remind myself how each day is a gift from God.

I am also thinking about Tiffini and Victoria, two of my granddaughters, who had to change schools this year, because the school they attended since childhood closed. They both started their new school with a lot of anxiety and a little fear of the next chapter in their early lives.

I’m sure the relationships they developed in the past were hard to leave behind. They will not forget them, but must decide to move on.

Victoria is in the ninth grade and was able to handle the pain of what happened. She has made new friends, not forgetting the old relationships but enjoying the present.

Tiffini has a little more trouble moving on. I just pray that soon she will realize when she walks in God’s perfect plan for her life, the pain she left behind cannot compare with the promises God has for her.

If you have any questions or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call (985)65e-8477, or e-mail: