West Bank student new 4-H president
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 25, 2004
Staff Reporter
RESERVE – The St. John School Board recognized Ramon Bailey as the new 2004-05 Louisiana State 4-H President at their recent meeting.
The West St. John High School student is responsible for leading more than 20 young people (4-H Executive Board) in making decisions affecting the direction of Louisiana’s 4-H organization.
It is the country’s largest youth association, with 85,000 members statewide; and 5 million members nationwide.
Ramon attended the National Youth Leaders Conference in 2003 as one of 400 students from other states and countries.
As a result of his hard work at the conference, he was invited to the Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference. Ramon will be introduced at the Presidential Inauguration and other associated festivities, such as the Black Tie Gala Ball.
After accolades from the School Board on Thursday, Ramon told them that he was honored to be a part of 4-H. “This is a group that does great things for the Parish, the state, and the country,” he said. “It has taken me to places you only dream about.”
He cited a recent experience in which he met members of the New Orleans Hornets.
Another recognition was given by the board Thursday to St. John Parish Teacher of the Year Perry DiCarlo.
DiCarlo is principal of Fifth Ward Elementary School and
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has been an educator for 13 years. In the past, he has taught in St. John schools as a junior high school teacher, special education instructor and a business education teacher.
In addition, he also has served as a girls volleyball and softball coach.
DiCarlo worked at Glade School as an assistant principal, and also as principal; and was principal of the Redirection Center.
He has been the principal at Fifth Ward Elementary for two years.
DiCarlo holds a Masters degree and is currently pursuing a doctorate degree.
The School Board noted that there has been a significant increase in student achievement scores since he has been at the helm of Fifth Ward Elementary School.