Rollo’s defense sparks Comets victory

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 18, 2004


Managing Editor

LAPLACE – Though the high-scoring efforts of the St. Charles Comets took the 38-0 victory, it was defensive MVP David Rollo who got the most attention.

Rollo wrapped up Friday’s victory against the Assumption Mustangs with three interceptions under his belt, plus a fumble recovery for a touchdown.

As usual, Tyrell Fenroy was the muscle behind the Comet offense, with quarterback Jesse Martin guiding the effort. Fenroy added three touchdowns to his season’s effort, and the remainder of the scoring was a field goal by Ben Sellars and a Casey Robottom reception for a TD in the end zone.

Assumption took the opening kickoff and after burning three minutes off the clock, punted to the Comets. In a 14-play drive from their own 30, St. Charles capped it with Sellars’ short field goal with 3:04 left in the first quarter.

The next Comet possession, after the Mustangs’ effort, was a seven-play drive ending in a 30-yard TD run by Fenroy with 10:13 left in the second quarter. Sellars’ PAT made it 10-0.

On the fourth play after the kickoff, Rollo snared a pass and returned it to the Comet 25, shaking up the Mustang offense. A scant three minutes later, Rollo snatched another pass near midfield and halted another Assumption drive.

That Interception set up the next Comet TD, an 8-yard run by Fenroy which set the score to 17-0 with 3:52 left in the half.

The third quarter started off with a bang, with the Comets accepting the second half kickoff and driving 57 yards in six plays. The breakout play was a Fenroy rush of 45 yards to the Assumption 23-yard line.

Capping the drive was an 11-yard reception by Robottom in the end zone for the score and a 24-0 lead.

The Comet kickoff must have stung the receiver, who fumbled into the hands of Rollo.

Rollo snapped up the live ball and scrambled into the end zone for another touchdown, only 15 seconds off the clock since the last TD.

With the PAT, St. Charles was comfortably up by a 31-0 lead.

Assumption by now was going through the motions to finish off the game, as their quarterback, John Gauthier, was sacked twice during the next possession until giving up the ball on downs back to the Comets.

This time, it took St. Charles eight plays over 65 yards until Fenroy posted his thrird and final touchdown for the game. Again, it was Sellars for the PAT, and the Comets were up 38-0 with 1:42 remaining in the game.

Finally, on Assumption’s next-to-last possession, it was Rollo again to foil their intentions with his third interception of the game.

That possession only served to burn the clock until the last few ticks.