Approach is shortsighted

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 23, 2001

DEAR EDITOR: Recent attempts to undermine the clear thinking business side of our parish council were highlighted last week. Melissa Faucheux’s approach in mandating hand delivery of bids to our council is not only pompous but is reflective of her lack of business experience. President Nickie Monica’s veto must be upheld to ensure St. John the Baptist Parish’s tax dollars are appropriated wisely. Secondly, Cleveland Farlough’s position in refusing to refurbish the Reserve oxidation pond is short-sighted at best. The millions of dollars saved by this approach will be instrumental in constructing a regional site that our neighboring parishes employ with much success. The “Keystone Kop” approach by the followers of Farlough and Faucheux is not solid business practice. We can put all the billboards we want in Metairie, promoting life in St. John Parish but the reality is that government operating under the Farlough-Faucheux approach is one of a “banana republic.”

Chris Eichhorn LaPlace