HHS girls aim at playoff wins in softball play

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 14, 2001


PHOTO: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST and Angela “Smiley” Raziano flashes her signature smile to catcher Melanie Delauna. Raziano pitched a one-hitter against Thibodaux sealed an undeafeated season with the 11-0 game. (Staff Photo by Daniel Tyler Gooden) HAHNVILLE – The Hahnville Lady Tigers wrapped up their undefeated season with an 11-0 victory over Thibodaux this week under the shade of the Hale-Boggs Bridge. Pitcher Angela Raziano had a lot to smile about this game. She only allowed one hit, which was a single into midfield. “She only walked about four, which is the least amount this year,” said Coach E.J. Tassin. The coach doesn’t take credit for his players’ skill. “It’s nothing I do, he said. “I attribute it to the recreation program we have in St. Charles. The kids play year around.” The Hahnville Lady Tigers have a record of 23-1 in their district playoffs for the past two years. Last year they lost to Baker in the third round. Baker went on to take second in state. There isn’t anything special the Lady Tigers have planned in preparation this year. “We’re going to practice,” said Tassin. With an undefeated record, there isn’t much more to do. Hahnville steps up against John Ehret on Tuesday at 4 p.m. at West Bridge Park.